They are morally neutral, holding no maliciousness, but having no qualms against killing those who trespass within their lands, or simply allowing them to become lost in the ever-shifting pathways of the magic wood, until nature reclaims them. Staying behind, they made the Athel Loren their home, forming a bond with nature and befriending many of the nature spirits, such as dryads and the mighty treemen.

The High Elves eventually retreated back to their homeland, but many of the colonists no longer felt any loyalty to that forgotten nation. Some of the colonists took to living within the great wood to protect it, safeguarding nature while ambushing the dwarves. They eventually came into conflict with the dwarves, and escalated into a war known as the “War of the Beard.” This war lasted for centuries, and led to dwarven forces occupying Athel Loren and felling great trees to fuel their furnaces, and also to spite the nature loving elves. Sailing from their homeland of Ulthuan, and island-continent in the western ocean, the High Elves colonised much of the lands now inhabited by men, including the forest of Athel Loren. The Wood Elves, known as Asrai in their own tongue, were once members of the High Elves. A klaxon sounds in the distance, while a giant monitor begins to flash with four ominous words: Somewhere in an underground bunker, two technicians turn keys into seperate consoles simultaneously. Alright, I suppose it’s time, it had to happen eventually. And they’re in Blood Bowl 2! Well, I suppose they were just recently added for people who didn’t pre-order the game, and I have seen quite a few newer coaches attempt to try to the team, only to fail miserably. Wood Elves? No, they’re an actual good team, in fact one of the best. wait, hold on, that title can’t be correct. Last week, we explored the gourmet world of the Halflings, which you can read right here. Greetings, Blood Bowl fans, and welcome back to another installment of Let’s Talk About Bloodbowl.