Posted January 22, Nice work bro Very cool! Posted February 17, Posted February 17, edited. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. You will be able to leave a comment after signing in. Not to mention it's going to be very handy having it around for reference. That map is so beautiful I'm getting half a stiffy. Hmm no bean button I'll stick with a like instead Great work and very cool indeed.

Well, you could View a real time Chernarus 3D model in your browser. Full res satellite map to use as a texture followed this guide to merge the texture tiles. So I actually managed to get the height data took me way too long and was able to convert it into a 3d model. The methods from that thread originally about arma 2 chernarus still work with the Standalone.

I tried to extract the Chernarus map data to screw around with.